Character Education

The PTA is honored to administer the character education program. Per Wake County Board of Education Policy 3530, every school will have programs and activities that support efforts to develop good character.  


Character education volunteers present a character lesson once per month. All materials are provided by the PTA, and include discussion and fun activities centered on that month's character trait.


If you would like to volunteer, please assure you have completed the WCPSS volunteer registration.



Each grade will have a monthly assembly where parent volunteers can present the monthly character trait. Here's what the volunteers will do:


  1. Come into the school on their assigned date and time and sign in at the office
  2. Go to the gym to check in with the PTA and gather any needed presentation materials
  3. Read the book or facilitate the skit for the grade, and lead a discussion with the questions provided
  4. Return the book and discussion questions to the PTA when finished


Monthly Character Traits

September: Responsibility 
Being dependable in carrying out obligations and duties.  Showing reliability and consistency in words and conduct.  Being accountable for your own actions.  Being committed to active involvement in your community. 

October: Respect 
Showing high regard for authority, for other people, for self, for property, and for country.  Understanding that all people have value as human beings. 

November: Courage 
Having the determination to do the right thing even when others don’t; the strength to follow your conscience rather than the crowd.  Attempting difficult things that are worthwhile. 

January: Integrity
Having the inner strength to be truthful, trustworthy, and honest in all things.  Acting justly and honorably.

February: Self-Discipline
Demonstrating hard work and commitment to purpose. Regulating yourself for improvement and refraining from inappropriate behaviors. Being in proper control of your words, actions, impulses and desires. Doing your best in all situations.

March: Kindness 
Being considerate, courteous, helpful, and understanding of others.  Showing care, compassion, friendship, and generosity.  Treating others as you would like to be treated.

April: Good Judgment 
Choosing worthy goals and setting proper priorities.  Thinking through the consequences of your actions.  Basing decisions on practical wisdom and good sense.

May: Perseverance 
Being persistent in pursuit of worthy objectives in spite of difficulties, opposition, or discouragement.  Exhibiting patience and having the fortitude to try again when confronted with delays, mistakes, or failures.