As dedicated members of the PTA, we are excited to present the 2024-25 North Carolina Science Olympiad (NCSO) and the Mathematical Olympiad (MOEMS) for 4th and 5th graders. These programs are PTA-driven initiatives that aim to provide our students with exceptional platforms to explore their passion for STEM subjects.


Volunteer Registration is required to support any of the below initiatives. 


Our primary goal is to build strong teams for both the Science Olympiad and the Math Olympiad, offering our students the opportunity to showcase their talents in various events. Thank you for considering these opportunities. If you have any questions, please email


   science olympiad



  • Student Enrollment: If your child is interested in being a part of the Science Olympiad team, we encourage you to sign them up for these programs. A quick overview of the Science Olympiad event list can be found here. The Science Olympiad club has a maximum capacity of 30 students, and enrollment will be on a combination of first-come/first-serve and teacher recommendation. Please keep an eye out for the club Sign up form coming around end Sep/early Oct for 2024-25.  A separate enrollment email will be sent to the selected students following week after sign up closes. Please note - parental or guardian involvement is a prerequisite (details below).

  • Parent Engagement: Parental involvement is a crucial component for the science Olympiad. Parents/guardians of enrolled students must be available to lead the project with once a week in-person practice sessions and facilitate any necessary offline activities to enhance learning and support the completion of their team's projects. Your active engagement will be instrumental in our collective success.

  • Volunteer-only Engagements: For those parents passionate about science and/or with special expertise, you can also volunteer for the Science Olympiad Organizing & Coaching Team. Your role would involve planning and coordinating our Science Olympiad efforts, including planning for the final event day. No prior coaching experience is required—just a willingness to guide and inspire our young participants.

  • Science Olympiad Lead Teacher: TBD


    • The Science Olympiad will be offered as an after-school club for 4th and 5th graders, meeting every Thursday from 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM (location TBD). Our first meeting will be scheduled in the October (date TBD), and we will continue our activities until the competition in early Spring 2025. Parents will be responsible to pick up their child from the meeting classroom. 
    • Participants will need to dedicate time each week outside of school to study and prepare for their events. This commitment extends weekly from October through the early Spring, with parents/guardians taking the lead in facilitating the weekly in-person practice sessions and any offline practices/learning.
    • Both students and a parent/guardian must commit to attending the actual competition, as we will practice and compete as a team.
    • Parents, your support is vital in covering costs for event-specific study materials, tournament fees, and team t-shirts. We are requiring a contribution of $150 per participating student, although any greater amount is welcomed. If there is financial hardship, please let us know.



math olympiad



  • Student Enrollment: If your child is interested in being a part of the Math Olympiad team, we encourage you to sign them up for these programs. The Math Olympiad has a maximum capacity of 70 students. Enrollment will be on a combination of first-come/first-serve and teacher recommendation. Please keep an eye out for the club Sign up form coming around end Sep/early Oct for 2024-25. A separate enrollment email will be sent to the selected students following week after sign up closes. 
  • Parent Engagement: Parent involvement and encouragement play a crucial role in a child's success in math competitions. Your commitment is needed to support your child's participation in the MOEM Math Olympiad by encouraging regular practice, timely completion of weekly practice questions, offering guidance, motivating your child and attending relevant meetings (mostly biweekly/monthly -TBD). You should also help manage test-day preparation, stay informed about important dates and provide a supportive learning environment for your child. 

  • Volunteer-only Engagement: If mathematics is your forte, we are also forming a coaching team for the Mathematical Olympiad. Join us in organizing Math Olympiad efforts and coaching our mathletes to success. Your role will be to help create the study material, offer guidance and explanations when students encounter challenging problems. Discuss problem-solving strategies and math concepts offline through, email/in person as needed.

  • Math Olympiad Lead Teacher: TBD


    • The Math Olympiad will be a PTA led club, with once/twice a month meeting (tentatively on Mondays from 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM). Our first meeting will be scheduled in October (date TBD), and we will continue our club until the last contest in early March 2025. Parents will be responsible to pick up their child from the meeting classroom. 
    • Participants will need to dedicate time each week outside of school to complete practice questions. Parents' commitment is required to support any offline practices/learning, to prepare for the monthly contest. We are looking to have a biweekly/monthly meeting, where teachers, students, parents & coaches will meet in person, to discuss progress, problem-solving strategies and math concepts. 
    • Both students and a parent/guardian must commit to attending the actual competition, as we will practice and compete as a team.
    • Parents, your support is vital in covering costs for event-specific study materials/books and tournament fees. We are requiring a contribution of $60 per participating student, although any greater amount is welcomed. If there is financial hardship, please let us know.


    Math Olympiad Contest Schedule (In-person, Final date for each month TBD)


    Contest Dates
    1 November 11, 2024 - December 6, 2024
    2 December 9, 2024 - January 3, 2025
    3 January 6, 2025 - January 31, 2025
    4 February 3, 2025 - February 28, 2025
    5 March 3, 2025 - March 28, 2025