Room Parent Guidelines | 2024-2025

Thank you for serving as a room parent this year! You play a vital part in making positive experiences in our children’s classrooms. Each grade and teacher have different room parent needs. Always communicate with your teacher – he or she will provide you with instructions on what needs to be done. 

Typical Room Parent Responsibilities:

  • Take fun photos of your class (learning experiences, field trips, etc.). Send them to
  • Send a reminder out to parents when your child’s teacher’s birthday is coming up. Asking them to simply bring in a handwritten card or flower will really brighten any teacher’s day! Teacher Preferences with birthdays and ideas for celebrating our teachers and staff can be found here. This site should be updated by the end of September.
  • Coordinate teacher winter holiday and end of year gifts. Collect at the beginning of December and the end of May.
    Do not request a specific dollar amount, and make sure parents understand that contributing is optional. Share with your parents exactly what you are going to purchase. Once you have purchased the gift it is nice to send out a picture to the parents who contributed.
  • Keep accurate accounting records. Let parents know you have received their contributions. 
    If your teacher is part of a team with another teacher, it is recommended that you just collect for your teacher and provide the preferences for the other teacher – unless you and the room parent from the other class agree otherwise.
  • Each grade will be “adopting” a Specialist Teacher. Please remember your child’s specialist teacher when sending out a holiday, end of year, or teacher appreciation gifts/reminders. You do not need to collect monetary donations for this teacher, but please remember to include them in communications and suggest having children send in cards, flowers, or small treats/ gifts at the appropriate times.
  • Class rosters – if you wish to distribute a class roster, you must have permission from each parent to publish her/his information. 
  • PTA communications – throughout the year you may be asked to forward information from the PTA to the parents in your class. This will include sending reminders for Teacher Appreciation Week.
  • Stay in contact with your teacher throughout the year. Each month, send a quick email to your child’s teacher asking if he/ she has any donation or learning experience needs.
  • Room parents may coordinate collection of items needed for any schoolwide events such as Fall Carnival or a Spring Raffle.
  • 4th Grade Room Parents will be responsible for providing lemonade and cookies at the 5th Grade Graduation ceremony.

What to do at the beginning of the year:

Please send out a welcome email to your child’s class introducing yourself and any other room parents who may have signed up with you. Let them know you’re looking forward to supporting your child’s teacher this year, communicate the Specialist teacher your grade is adopting for the year, and send them the link to the Staff Preferences Sheet posted online at


One note about IAs (Instructional Assistants):

Some K and 1st grade classes may have an IA assigned to your class, but it is my understanding that these IA assignments will rotate each quarter. Most IAs are now considered Building IAs, meaning they help out where and when needed without having specific grade and classroom assignments. When planning gifting and celebrating, use your best judgement based on your classroom situation when it comes to including any IA.


Specialist Teacher Assignments:

Kindergarten: Dawn Imani (Art)
1st Grade: Taneal Johnston (Music)
2nd Grade: Hollie Lewis (STEM)
3rd Grade: Dan Karges (PE II)
4th Grade: Michael Masullo (PE)
5th Grade: Stephanie Fiedler (Media)

Thank you, Room Parents! Your teachers appreciate you more than you know! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.



Tavia Wilson
Room Parent Coordinator


