Nourishing Noggins at HDES

Please support our Nourishing Noggins food drive
October 7-11, 2024.

Nourishing Noggins monetary donations can be made online at any time by clicking here

What is Nourishing Noggins?

Your Highcroft Drive Elementary PTA offers Nourishing Noggins, a meal program to help support Highcroft students with limited food resources. 


Nourishing Noggins is administered through the school's Student Support Services and provides participating students with weekly food bags to ensure they will have the nutrition to continue to learn and grow.

Where does Nourishing Noggins food come from?

Nourishing Noggins is made possible by the support of our Highcroft Drive community. Food Drives allow the PTA to replenish its Nourishing Noggins pantry shelves.  


Donations of cash, gift cards, and checks are also accepted. These will be used to purchase needed items for the Nourishing Noggins pantry. Checks can be made out to "Highcroft Drive Elementary PTA", and gift cards can be from local grocery stores, Walmart, or Target.


Donations can also be made online even when a food drive is not in progress by clicking here.

